Healthcare Data Analytics Software Solution - California
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Healthcare Data Analytics Solution for Mdout Inc

Leverage Healthcare Data Analytics Solutions to improve patient care, reduce costs, and maximize the revenue
of your business. Take a look at our Mdout Inc full case study.

Healthcare Analytics Solution | Healthcare Data and Analytics Software Platform

Healthcare Data Analytics software


MDout, Inc. is a digital health platform based in Livermore, California, USA, that focuses on empowering health organizations to be able to better track, manage and improve health data.




  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Business Intelligence
  • Vue.js
  • Node.js


MDout is a healthcare research and analytics company that leverages healthcare status, survey, feedback and questionnaire systems to support provider decision making and patient satisfaction in clinical settings. The MDout team of highly experienced healthcare professionals combine deep domain expertise in healthcare, IT and statistics with a passion for improving the patient and provider experience. MDout team and its products provide the healthcare market with real-time data that improves the patient and provider experience for better outcomes. Data Analytics Solution in healthcare


The client hired DigiPrima to rewrite the software - he wanted a system used by healthcare centers for managing and reporting data on medication inventory, clinical services, patient data, marketing activities, and more. Within the project, the client also wanted the tool to allow its users to enable quality population health analysis with instant reports. or Object Detection, Segmentation, Keypoints or OCR.
Digiprima had taken the challenge to build a Single platform for Annotators, Annotation Managers, and Data Scientists.
The objective of the client was included:

  • Real-Time Access To Care
  • Involvement Of Patients’ Families
  • Remote Health Monitoring
  • Virtual Consultations
  • Elder Care
  • User Interface

Healthcare Analytics Solution in California

The Solution

The DigiPrima team created the Healthcare Analytics System software for ID Care, which delivered actionable business insights by creating a business-aligned reporting and analytics strategy.

Key Features:

Real-Time Health Tracking : The solution enabled patients to use wearable medical devices to measure their vitals and share it to their providers.

Pill Reminder : Missed doses or non-adherence to prescriptions is one of the biggest reasons for deterioration of health, especially among patients who are senior citizens.

Nutrition Tracking : It is no surprise that our health largely depends on what we eat. Knowing the nutritional benefits of daily diet is an excellent way to manage one's health.

Chatbot : A chatbot goes a long way in improving the doctor-patient rapport and fostering effective patient engagement. Patients may have doubts regarding their medication, diet, or something recommended by their doctor.

Virtual Consultation : DigiPrima has developed a customized solution with a virtual consultation facility to help patients receive care from anywhere.

Data Analytics for Healthcare Overview

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