Web Application Development : Top Trends & Tech Stacks
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Web Application Development : Top Trends & Tech Stacks


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Published on: June 20, 2022 web development

Web application development involves creating an application that resides on a web server, rather than an operating system. With the rise in popularity of mobile devices and smartphones, web app development has become a popular way for companies to create engaging content that is easily accessible by anyone with an internet connection. The term "web app" may sometimes be used interchangeably with the term "website," but they are actually two different types of projects. While a website merely facilitates information transfer and basic interactions with users, web app development goes above and beyond by prioritizing user experience and accessibility.

What Is a Web Application?

A web app is a type of software that relies on a server to run. Because web apps are accessed over the internet, they can interact with both local and remote resources. In some cases, these interactions are made possible by the typical client-server interaction built on protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS. Web apps usually run inside a browser on a user's computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Types of Web Applications

There are different types of web applications with different behaviour depending on how they’re built. While all these web application types still use web technologies they generally fall under the categories of client-side, server-side, or single-page applications. 

Client-Side Web Apps:

Client-side web apps are focused on user experience and performance, so they tend to be more responsive. A user can interact with an app in seconds after opening it instead of waiting for a page to load like a traditional website. Client-side rendering makes content instantaneously available when users click on a link.

Server-Side Web Apps:

Server-side web development is essentially synonymous with back-end development. Back-end development is composed of building the databases, servers, application programming interfaces (APIs), and any other background processes that occur in an application. Server-side software is a bit of a misnomer because it's not always on the server. The term refers to programming that occurs in the background of a website, providing data or functionality to the server. Though storage is typically handled by database management systems (DBMS), server-side code offers specialized functionality that makes it easier for developers to manage code and data across multiple pages or websites.

Single-Page Apps:

Single-page web applications are web pages built as apps with only one page. SPAs consist of dynamic content and are typically built with JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js. Unlike traditional websites and web pages that display new content in full pages loaded from the server when you click a link, a SPA just needs to load dynamic components on a single page. Unlike traditional websites and web pages that display new content in full pages loaded from the server when you click a link, a SPA just needs to load dynamic components on a single page.

Why Is Knowing Web Development Trends Important?

Web development trends are here to keep you in the loop. By knowing about them, you can respond to market needs, understand where the industry is heading, and make the most out of your investment by choosing the right technology or methodology. The main purpose of web development trends is to keep you in the loop. As one of the biggest trends in IT at the moment, cloud development is changing the way we develop software. They can help you stay up-to-date with new technologies, understand what the market needs and make the most out of your investment by choosing the right technologies or methodology. This increased demand for cloud-based applications gives opportunities to companies that are willing to embrace agile practices and build apps on a modern platform.


Web Development Trends For 2023

1. Blockchain
Blockchain is one of the biggest innovations and it has changed the way people do business and transact. Blockchain technology has helped companies reduce transaction costs, improve transparency, remove intermediaries, and democratize capital markets.

Blockchain technology is still new and will take a while to be adopted by large organizations but that doesn't mean that it's not already being used on a smaller scale. Blockchain allows us to make payments anywhere in the world with just a few clicks or taps, creating secure systems that are transparent and reliable. The technology is already being used by online bidding platforms such as BidThink, international charities like Save the Children, and mobile apps like GetGems.

2. Progressive Web Apps (PWA):

A Progressive Web App is the new buzzword in the world of mobile apps. This new technology has gained popularity for its potential to offer a consistent and cross-platform experience. Many of the leading web design companies have come up with advanced PWA solutions for their clients. Progressive Web Apps are websites that can be used as apps. Created with cutting-edge technologies, they are user-friendly and provide an exceptional mobile experience to users on any device. With PWA, you get updated content even when you're offline, and push notifications are sent at regular intervals to ensure that you're never out of touch.  PWA is a great new way to deliver mobile apps in a fast and secure way. And it’s easy! In this model, we insert features that can be used by all the users without compromising their experience.

3. Internet of Things (IoT):

The Internet of Things or IoT is a network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data. In simple terms, the IoT aids in connecting humans from different parts of the world by allowing them to connect directly without any human intervention. However, it can be difficult for consumers to decipher what exactly this technology means for them personally or even for their companies. As a technology that is rapidly advancing, the Internet of Things (IoT) will have a great impact on the development of web solutions. It makes sense that advancements in IoT have a big impact because it allows companies to engage with customers in a swift manner and creates personalized experiences.

4. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP):

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source web standard that can boost your mobile website's speed. It was designed to provide a superior user experience and to help you create mobile-friendly content that is rich in multimedia.  In recent years, businesses have seen a shift in how many people are browsing the web on their mobile devices. This can help you to save costs on UX while securing loads of traffic. In conclusion, Accelerated Mobile Pages are a technology that developers are embracing and it will become more popular in 2022 for being user-oriented."

5. Voice Search Optimization:

Voice search optimization is designed to optimize a website so it appears in voice search results and is more likely to be clicked on. This is a relatively new development, which has seen large growth over the past few years. The technology has become so sophisticated that by next year, AI-enabled devices will be able to recognize different voices and provide a personalized experience, making voice search even more powerful.

Web content optimization is essential in all SEO strategies, but with voice search, it's more important than ever. For mobile users, mobile virtual assistants have become extremely popular, and will only continue to grow in popularity. With the lack of typing and the ability to simply speak out commands and requests, it won't be long before these devices are used by everyone.

6. API-first Development:

At the core of the API-first development, the approach is the idea of decoupling applications. This makes it possible to work on multiple things at the same time and ensures that your APIs are reliable and consistent. In this article, we will discuss the concept and methodology that underlie the API-first development approach, its advantages, and why everyone should consider using it when planning their next web application or project. When building a new web application, there are two distinct ways to build it: API-first and UI-first. An API-first approach ensures that APIs are created from the start of the project so that they can be reused across different platforms and devices.

7. AI-Powered Chatbot:

Chatbots are the future of customer support. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) help the technology understand user intent, provide a human-like experience, and help customers solve problems 24×7. AI chatbots can easily be integrated into regular/professional websites and PWAs aiding 24×7 customer support and boosting general sales by improving conversion rates. Self-learning bots can provide 24×7 support, solve problems on their own, prioritize multiple issues and resolve them more effectively than a human can. Self-learning chatbots can provide 24×7 support, solve problems on their own, prioritize multiple issues themselves and resolve them more efficiently than a human representative could. Chatbots with AI are much cheaper than hiring human representatives, so they are definitely worth considering.

8. Push Notifications:

Push Notifications are an effective way to keep users engaged with your app. Users will see a notification without even opening the app. This feature helps in bringing back traffic to your website and improves the retention rate among its users. Therefore, it is important to implement this feature in order to keep website visitors engaged with your content. It enables you to reach users even if they are not visiting your website at that time. With this tool, you can notify people about new content and events, provide timely information and updates about delayed flights and train schedules, or contact users with special deals from hotels or airlines.

9. Content Personalization with Machine Learning:

Machine learning is the process of feeding new data into a model and updating its output to reflect changes in the input. Many web applications use it to optimize content based on user behavior, but it’s not limited solely to online businesses. Machine learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that lets computers find hidden patterns in data without being explicitly programmed how to do so. You can use machine learning to optimize your website or mobile app for users, predict user behaviour and generate recommendations. Machine learning is the process of feeding new data into a model and updating its output to reflect changes in the input.

10. Motion UI:

Motion UI is a responsive front-end framework designed to make web designs more intuitive and user-friendly. With Motion UI, you can easily add motion to your website and create stunning animations by using transitions or effects such as explode or foldout. As a developer, you can add motion to your website without having to hire an expert. Motion UI is built on SASS and offers a range of predefined animations from simple transitions to more intense effects such as explode or foldout. Due to its straightforward integration with web interfaces, it could be used on different platforms like mobile apps and web pages. The framework is built on SASS, a CSS preprocessor. The easiest way to learn Motion UI is by installing the starter kit with just two lines of code and starting creating your own animation.

Technology stack for web application development

Angular and MEAN stack:

Angular for Web Development will teach you how to use this popular open-source framework to build dynamic, modern web applications using simple and powerful APIs. You’ll learn everything you need to know, including how Angular processes expressions and variables; how templates are used to display data; and how to create modules, services, and of course components. From the basics of how Angular works, its syntax, and components, to more advanced topics such as modules and dependency injection, this book is a comprehensive guide to using Angular for web development. It discusses the various ways in which Angular can be used within your JavaScript applications and provides detailed explanations of everything from routes through to services and testing.

Angular applications are made up of three separate components: a model, a view, and a controller.  The model represents the data needed by your application and it consists of variables and functions that use this data. It is loosely coupled with the view as it provides data only through functions and can be thought of as some kind of service/utility. 

React for Web Application Development:

The MERN stack is a version of the MEAN stack, which uses React.js instead of Angular. The MERN stack acts as an alternative to the traditional MEAN stack and has become extremely popular due to its fast implementation, improved SEO, and compatibility with cross-platform apps.

Vue.js for Web App Development:

Vue.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that offers basic functionality out-of-the-box, but with the help of an experienced Vue development team, you can extend its functionality with third-party services to build powerful applications. It beats other JS frameworks in terms of performance and accessibility. Vue focuses on the view layer only and is easily integrable with other libraries or existing projects. It was created in 2014 by an individual named Evan You, who established the company Vue.js with the same name. In no time, this framework has become popular among developers and designers thanks to its lightweight functionality, fast rendering speed, and low learning curve. This article will provide you with some basic information about this technology so that you can make an informed decision if it is worth using it in your next project or not.

Flutter for Web App Development:

Flutter development toolkit allows you to build cross-platform apps with ease. The team at Google has created a system that lets you create great user interfaces for any device, including web apps. Flutter works on iOS and Androids devices right now and is completely free to use. As we see it, this means that Flutter could potentially become a new OS for Google. And since our apps are built using Flutter and we have not announced any new OS yet, we think that it's time for us to be pioneers on the Fuchsia OS horizon with our cross-platform apps!  Flutter is a new mobile app SDK, written in the language of choice - Kotlin. With Flutter, you can build a single application that works on iOS and Android with no additional work. Flutter also helps to transform an existing mobile web into a solution that will be able to run on a variety of devices.

Node.js for web development:

 Node.js is open-source software, made for developing server-side applications with JavaScript. It is used by a wide range of companies to deliver high-performance web applications and backend services. At DigiPrima we have a team of experienced Node.js developers who can help you create modern and scalable applications that are customized to fit your business needs. DigiPrima has a team of veteran JavaScript developers who can help you build scalable, reliable, and modern applications using this software stack.

Django for web development:

Django is a high-level Python Web framework, designed to encourage rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of web development: You don't have to reinvent the wheel while building complex database-driven websites. In addition to its many powerful features, Django also has an active, helpful community that provides documentation and tutorials for new users.

Laravel for web development:

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework for developing web apps, based on MVC architecture. It emphasizes code quality, testing, and best practices. Laravel works excellently with Vue.js or other Javascript libraries but it can be used to build modern web apps based on any other frontend frameworks as well like Angular or React. It has a simple MVC architecture and encourages clean code, along with strong testing tools, performance optimization, and better security. Laravel is highly popular as a result of its simple syntax and features that make building complex applications relatively easy.

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